After three years of running pretty uneventfully, this has been a pretty bad month for the website! First, wiredpakistan got banned by the PTA, then a few hours back today it got hacked!
Whoever it was, wiped out the entire database, and then… left. Didn’t even bother to say anything. It takes time to break into a forum… if a normal user or person did it I’m sure they would have left some sort of message or something - the fact that whoever did it just left it blank raises a red flag in my mind.
The current status: The last backup I had was too soon… by the time I found out, the ‘cracked’ version had been backed up - so at the moment I have no backup. My host is casting around for older backup as I type, and hopefully it exists. It doesn’t exist!
Best case scenario: A few days posts will be lost. Worst case: A year’s worth.. I didn’t keep too many backups.
There is no backup. I’m creating a new forum for the time being. I don’t know how that will work though, with years of posts all dissolved into the ether. It’s almost like they were killed. Heck, it’s exactly like they were killed.
I’ve uploaded the raw access logs for this month. Perhaps someone might be able to track who killed the forums.
Its sad and amusing to hear that a destruction was done. It was part of Pakistan and whoever Pakistani has destroyed it, deserves to feel ashamed of himself/herself.
UBS: Update, backup, security. (Just made it up!)
it is really sad - i am missing it right now
hope it will be back online soon
I’m sad. Really sad. Please do share when you find out something about the hacker.
The Site got hacked but the question is that why enough updated back ups were not kept. This event simply highlights the importance of data back ups. As some one said that hacks these days are not rocket science and even school kiddies have been messing up some very secured sites, but in all such cases of hacks, the site data administrators do keep regular updated back ups and hacks dont make any much difference to them. In this case we see the whole data being wipped out along with user identities.
Needs better planning and administration for future. Best wishes with the bottom line that experience always comes with a price.
That is the reason why I don’t like simply deploying an open source solution.
haaah!!! Memories of are flashing through my mind.
It is very unfortunate because the management ( @ leading ISP )holes were coming out in the open.
Won’t be surprized if the culprit is one who boasts being with the latest and greatest tech.
KO i have seldom used ur forum but even on those occasions i have found it to be very useful. I know nothing about tgeeky techie things but i must say that all things on internet are vulnerable as there are back doors to everything. All we can do is to be more careful next time. But this does not undermine the fact that the culprit should be found out and put to trial.
Pingback: WIRED Pakistan HACKED!! - PK Forum Community
a coward attempt by some one.
well i suggest u to must have a backup and then backup of backup.!!
May be we can retrieve the archived site at as HardStone mentioned.
Another way is to try google’s cache , although its a bit cumbersome to manually pull out each posts. alternatively you can try to request google to send you cached data , i don’t know if they have such a policy.
I hope it will be back soon, InshaAllah.
@Obi Wan
the log file is actually a text file (i think the hosting was on unix platform ,and it made log file by name of the website), you can open it in any text editor or just add .txt at the end of filename.
Tragic - a sabotage. U should have created backup and taken all secured measures. But still, whosoever did it, had some reasons behind it and tried to lower down the open voice against all the critisized companies who’re not performing up to the level. But no worries-the website shall be running hopefully shortly.
Poll: what do u think wateen shaikh should fire the ceo(Tariq Malik) or not.
I m still not able to connect directly since last 3 days.
Now i thought it may be blocked again so i used proxy, and i get to know wt happened with wiredpakistan.
Ha Ha its very funny. Better use vbulletin. 3.8.9
I saw the analysis at and it seems right. Please ensure that you at least take a differentials backup every day and a full back on weekend that will help you restore in case if any disaster be it hard drive failure or hack attempts.
Really a Shock
, i was just shocked when i saw the line that forum got hacked
, pretty Sad han !! , , but don’t worry team WP , we are with ya , we will make it kickin’ again
Simply pathetic & coward act by hacking such a informative site.Btw I realy like new design its awesome.
hey Admin,
i hope i can help you out in building a secure forum… if you like to have some sort of help, you can reply me back or can email me if you like!
Waiting for a possitive thingy from your side,,
just forget this PUNBB thingy,, its rubbish, let me sponsor a heavy BB script for this site, its really informative and people would like their information in secure hands,
See you soon @ wired Pk Forum,
Shahzad Khan,
CyberXperts Technologies
I think PTA owners hacked this forum. as they hacked the Youtube site few days ago.. Government workers are stupid.. they are completely nonsense.
some kids are saying to report it to police under new cyber crime act but tokeep u informed your all log files has not even 1 trace which can be used as a proof of a crime and 2nd thing what is the surity that some information is geniune it can be a froged information just like a small example of fake ip addresses of proxied ip addresses.and 1 most importent thing cyber crime rule is a collections of blunders of copy pasters of govt ppl who have left a lot of holes in it.i would suggest that stop crying on this event and start from scratch and this time try to host your website on multiple servers like most companies do.otherwise always keep an incrimental data backup.a simple system admin can know how to secure data backup even if a new copy is scheduled every night you should have it automated on shared network device san or on any other computer even if you do not have backup tape of veritas.anyways damage has done so look for future.some one said that ptcl hacked youtube which is not true they just added a dns root entry on thier hongkong server pointing wrong ip address and because of address conflict it was out of sight.
my condolences..but the thing is that its a blessing in disguise.
first of all it’d bring maturity securitywise.
secondly,the community of WP is not going to stop contributing here.all those pages of wisdom will be flourishing back sooner than u know.all we need is a place to gather all our pak techi bros n we still have it here.all n all,i think its going to strentghen the WP community more than ever.any publicity is good publicity.
Salams to evry1
plus u shud try the “the wayback” thing some1 really does document a lot of the internet history
Sad to hear mate..
Our tracker just got hacked a few days ago aswell (along with 4-5 others), didnt erase anything but stole atleast 150 USD of donations from our users which i think is as bad. So i understand how u must be feeling.
But im really surprised u didnt have off-site backups, On forums like these i think its very important to do daily/weekly backups of the DB.
Anyway if you need any help just letme know
if u really want most of ur data, u can copy from google cache…but khwari ka kaam hoga shayad
Better use the vbulletin.
Don’t break the continuity,the forum is a hit,you can start again,from scratch.Please do..
Ohoo..Bhool Jao pichla data bhai,start again..
Yar,yeh kawaya wateen nay hee hack in my opinion.The other day wateen’s sales manager had a smile on his face when i mention the hacking incident and he said “woh to purani story ho gai hey”.
Premature launch from wateen has lead to these cracks in wateen system and they thought its better the hack the site then to fix the holes in their system.I feel so…
bad news…
it must be someone from pakistan.
the thing i dont understand is why paki fighting with each others.
recently a site tried to hack in return completely ruined
if those people have some skills then why not use against foreign sites.. y our own sites??????
its a big opportunity for you to switch the forum script to vbulletin or invision power board.
you are using a free script which is widely used and has many holes, somebody else would know before you have even upgraded and wipe out everything..
I started this discussion to evaluate public usable web proxies:
Which are really anonymous?
Which can be used with facebook, myspace etc, in other words: are fresh ?
Which would you recommend?
Thanks for your help,
P.S.: In my country, the freedom of speech is somehow constrained, please give me a hint, if you have doubts about your recommendation.
Hello. And Bye.
Guyz its not better that ur abusing
wateen n stuff can i ask y u absuing ?//
hi there!
thanks,nice forum!
To all wateen users please discount your services and get the refund as soons as possible because wateen is going to windup from pakistan.
Don’t consider it as a joke or rumor.
I was browsing free stuff forums a few days ago and found a
website giving away antiflu facemasks:
What’s their reason to do it? Is it a scam or what?
This is now Aug but wateen is still here.
Is not this a joke
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