I have a question! I need to know what is the Scope of M.Sc Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Pakistan. PU is offering the degree.
No help until now.
What will you do after that?
I think you thinking about RikoDiq in Balochistan nowadays. Is it so?
I am writing articles for my international clients. We will negotiate on the payment terms by mutual understanding don't worry.
PM me.
It's still working, it's just having trouble syncing properly since blocked the outgoing calls. I just want to know if PTCL messing around with one of the services has any effect on the line quality.
yup after the service is blocked and the non-payment tape starts running on your number distortion comes in line...They will inform the LDN staff to de-patch your line from DSLAM...but this may take few months or whenyour payment with LDN ends-up.
]]>^^ If you take interview of someone, what kind of questions you would ask.
There is an introduction thread as well, but that is only just to introduce. Interview like this will bring members more closer I guess. For the spot light member, it would be a bit of something to cheer.
I dont see any downside of it. If there are, please point out.
I support your idea. But 99% of the ideas in this thread never implemented
Source: My 2.5 year experience
The website is down for me from last 24 hours.
Anybody could check ?
down on my side too..
]]>Let me tell you the whole story so that then u tell me what to do
I have a SpeedTouch 530 v6 which is in bridge mode with Tplink TWR641G/642G v4 084125BF
My telephone goes is connected with SPeedtouch and also a network cable is connecting both the devices to each other and then there is another network cable which connect Tplink wireless router to my pc lan card to make them work in bridge mode.
now i need to access the speedtouch device which i was doind when i dont have the tplick wireless routher with and now i can see the stats of the speedtouch modem with this and all the snr margin and up and download streams are in speed touch
any idea what i am trying to say
and what is the solution
bro the SNR and Line status will only be shown in "modem" not in "router"...so kindly set your routers I.P to and your modem on default this you can then access both modem and router simultaneously. But since both of your devices have same I.P ranges so only the router page will show up not the modem page...hope you understand.